CoCo region

The CoCo region is the largest and most powerful region on Eratone.


The CoCo region is a powerful and influential land of both wealth and strength. It's strength shows most in its 62 year long Trongo ball Grand Gourmet winning streak. In this time, the CoCo region has become the major trade center for the entire world. The regions largest export is Enoroo, which is made from the processed Kakoaum plant, which is only grown in this region.

The plant is harvested year round, and many people from other regions come to the CoCo region for the opportunity to work the numerous Kakoaum farms. It is because of Enoroo and its domination of the trade market, that more and more people in other regions have become suspicious as to if the CoCo region is winning illegally.

The CoCo region is controlled by the CoCo Kingdom, which is run by the King, CoCodile Tamarindus VI.


  • Chipwich town

  • Gumi Region
  • Hard Region
  • Spicy Region (formerly)



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