insanity on the dance floor

ignore that title... all except the insanity part.
i had to get a screen grab of one of my favorite images from this coming weeks Goblyn issue 20a
it's of Archer (Master of Books) on his knees in the middle of the ceremony hall, kackling like a mad fool.
but this image resonated with me so much, it was familiar some how.
i had to comb through my brain all day and into the next morning before i arrived at a possible answer.

it's a scene from the 1984 David Lynch adaptation of Frank Herberts Dune.
i know a lot of people don't like this adaptation, because it's just not very faithful.
but i tend to disconnect and just treat it as a random scifi film. and so i actually like it. and watch it quite a bit.
i love politics... IN SPAAAAAAACE! 
anyhoo... the scene is pretty close to the end and it depicts Paul Atreides' little sister Alia Atreides standing in a sand storm over a pile of bodies with a bone dagger in her hand (at least i think it was a bone dagger).

i could be wrong about from where i tapped into myself to create that particular scene, but this is the image that kept coming to me over and over when i thought about dramatic snapshots of insanity at play. ha ha.
it's a very creepy and powerful image, and clearly one that stuck with me for a good long time.
Archer to me is maybe not as creepy, but true to form bat crap crazy... so any chance i can get to let his colours show... i will. C:

beyond that here's a glimpse at one of the princes of South Mah' Hu, and current ruler over Centrus house.

maybe not one of his better moments in the story. i love expressive faces. and these particular monsterkind
known as Caemoray have very difficult facial designs to pull much expression out of. but i'm always up for the challenge.

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