There are a large variety of animals in the world of Erravannah.
In the Goblyn series on the, animals are a large (although not always obvious) part of the many lands of the world of Erravannah. Animals, in the Goblyn series are of the Metazoa kingdom of Arthropods & Gastropods, unlike the animalia kingdom in which we know.
e.g. Cats, Dogs, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Fish, etc.
The height, weight, and variation depends on the species, although some animals thrive more so than others under numerous conditions.
Some animals are very docile, and can be tamed to the point that they are domesticated, while others remain wild and are dangerous if encountered.
♦ Type: Ashphilzoa ♦ Order: Arahkke
Artrasha, are middle sized, joint-legged, invertebrate, animals, with anywhere from four to six legs attached to a solid, upward cresting, exoskeletal carapice, by endosternite cartilage.
They have a series of forward facing simple and compound eyes, located on the forward facing portion of their carapace. They also have a large spinneret located on the underside of the carapace which allows them to shoot a protein based thread, to which they can change they density of as well as being able to imbue a form of venom to the threading.
The Artrasha first appeared in Warning Signs, issue 6b of the series.
Artrasha do occur naturally in the wild all over the Southlands of Mah' Hu, this particular group however followed the orders of the Anima Ruah named Kanastraa, who was disguised as a large Artrasha-like animal while living among the people of the hidden village.
The Artrasha used their spinnerettes to cover the entire town in webbing, and protorolled the surrounding forests warding off anyone who wandered too close to the town.
Boru Boru:
♦ Type: Choarhzoa ♦ Order: Koleos-Bortratuss
Boru Boru are a slightly bigger and more domesticated relative of the Pimmel. They are often found in heavily populated towns and villages near or in garbage bins and trash dump sites. Like the Pimmel they are detritivores and feed mostly on dead plant matter. They have six small simple jointed legs, which support a large rounded carapaces that cover their wings, and a two segmented body comprised of a thorax and a head, with large forward facing simple eyes.
They are generally ignored by most people in towns and villages who are accustomed to their existence, within the area. They are even sometimes domesticated and kept farmers for compost maintenance.
♦ Type: Éntomonzoa ♦ Order: Zoeah
Gaffe, are large irredecent animals found in many of the Central and Southlandic forests of Mah' Hu.
They are multi-limbed crustaceans with long dorsal spines, and notoriously known for its gigantic and intimidating maw located behind its large mandables.
They are very fast, very aggressive, and very territorial animals, with a distinct liking for the Jobi fruit. Gaffe are know to grow to great sizes often being as big as 46 ft. (14 meters)
♦ Type: Anddohzoa ♦ Order: Vermmessen
Hithics worms are small animals with cylindrical tube shaped bodies and no legs. They have a mouth like structure at one end which is hooded by a row of small thick fibrous hairs, and three long striped tenticle which they use as hands for picking up food and pulling it back into the mouth. Located just below the mouth are three suction cup like protrustions which are glands used for smelling and secreating pheromones.
Hithics are very rare to see as they are generally nocturnal, and are swift to move when detected. They are brood parasites who lay thier eggs under the skin of other species.
Hitstorically Hithics have been used after being discovered by Logiksmiths to have blood with very specific blood which is quite responsive to incantations inabeling it to be an amplifier of sorts.
♦ Type: Anddohzoa ♦ Order: Vermmessen
Tossusks are large tuberous animals with no legs and dorsal fins which omit various pheromones used in communications of different types. Wemm, is a dried product that is extracted from male Tossusks, and often used by farmers to lure females away from large crops during the Tossusks mating season.
The Runeclaws on several occasions used Tossusks as power generators in both Dunburss and The House of Golden Runes, first appearing in The Worm's Plight part 3 issue number 5 of the series.
♦ Type: Éntomonzoa ♦ Order: Grub
♦ Type: Choarhzoa ♦ Order: Koleos
Pimmel are the smaller wilder relative of the Boru Boru. They are agressive and noisey detritivores which feed on dead plant matter. (a fact reflected in the multitudes of them nesting and feeding on the dead and shed carcass of Sleemer a plant based spirit.)
In the Goblyn series on the, animals are a large (although not always obvious) part of the many lands of the world of Erravannah. Animals, in the Goblyn series are of the Metazoa kingdom of Arthropods & Gastropods, unlike the animalia kingdom in which we know.
e.g. Cats, Dogs, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Fish, etc.
The height, weight, and variation depends on the species, although some animals thrive more so than others under numerous conditions.
Some animals are very docile, and can be tamed to the point that they are domesticated, while others remain wild and are dangerous if encountered.
♦ Type: Ashphilzoa ♦ Order: Arahkke
Artrasha, are middle sized, joint-legged, invertebrate, animals, with anywhere from four to six legs attached to a solid, upward cresting, exoskeletal carapice, by endosternite cartilage.
They have a series of forward facing simple and compound eyes, located on the forward facing portion of their carapace. They also have a large spinneret located on the underside of the carapace which allows them to shoot a protein based thread, to which they can change they density of as well as being able to imbue a form of venom to the threading.
The Artrasha first appeared in Warning Signs, issue 6b of the series.
Artrasha do occur naturally in the wild all over the Southlands of Mah' Hu, this particular group however followed the orders of the Anima Ruah named Kanastraa, who was disguised as a large Artrasha-like animal while living among the people of the hidden village.
The Artrasha used their spinnerettes to cover the entire town in webbing, and protorolled the surrounding forests warding off anyone who wandered too close to the town.
Boru Boru:
♦ Type: Choarhzoa ♦ Order: Koleos-Bortratuss
Boru Boru are a slightly bigger and more domesticated relative of the Pimmel. They are often found in heavily populated towns and villages near or in garbage bins and trash dump sites. Like the Pimmel they are detritivores and feed mostly on dead plant matter. They have six small simple jointed legs, which support a large rounded carapaces that cover their wings, and a two segmented body comprised of a thorax and a head, with large forward facing simple eyes.
They are generally ignored by most people in towns and villages who are accustomed to their existence, within the area. They are even sometimes domesticated and kept farmers for compost maintenance.
♦ Type: Éntomonzoa ♦ Order: Zoeah
Gaffe, are large irredecent animals found in many of the Central and Southlandic forests of Mah' Hu.
They are multi-limbed crustaceans with long dorsal spines, and notoriously known for its gigantic and intimidating maw located behind its large mandables.
They are very fast, very aggressive, and very territorial animals, with a distinct liking for the Jobi fruit. Gaffe are know to grow to great sizes often being as big as 46 ft. (14 meters)
♦ Type: Anddohzoa ♦ Order: Vermmessen
Hithics worms are small animals with cylindrical tube shaped bodies and no legs. They have a mouth like structure at one end which is hooded by a row of small thick fibrous hairs, and three long striped tenticle which they use as hands for picking up food and pulling it back into the mouth. Located just below the mouth are three suction cup like protrustions which are glands used for smelling and secreating pheromones.
Hithics are very rare to see as they are generally nocturnal, and are swift to move when detected. They are brood parasites who lay thier eggs under the skin of other species.
Hitstorically Hithics have been used after being discovered by Logiksmiths to have blood with very specific blood which is quite responsive to incantations inabeling it to be an amplifier of sorts.
♦ Type: Anddohzoa ♦ Order: Vermmessen

The Runeclaws on several occasions used Tossusks as power generators in both Dunburss and The House of Golden Runes, first appearing in The Worm's Plight part 3 issue number 5 of the series.
♦ Type: Éntomonzoa ♦ Order: Grub
♦ Type: Choarhzoa ♦ Order: Koleos
Pimmel are the smaller wilder relative of the Boru Boru. They are agressive and noisey detritivores which feed on dead plant matter. (a fact reflected in the multitudes of them nesting and feeding on the dead and shed carcass of Sleemer a plant based spirit.)