Myth of Eustro Chapter Eighteen

PREVIOUS ♦ archive ♦ NEXT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myth of Eustro chapter 18 (eighteen) listening to the Poliça album Shulamith over and over (Expanded Edition) I've had it for months now, but it's been on heavy rotation along with a couple AM444 ( Rooms, Eye Wonder ) albums. i really love when i find albums i can listen to and enjoy from the first song to the last. it's rare for me because a lot of the time i don't want to hear music with lyrics. i find myself driving to this album a lot. it's good for driving and just going on an aimless journey to clear your thoughts. sometimes it's just a walk but i realized i'm usually in the car when listening to it. hmm... I only found the album because one song was briefly used in an episode of The Magicians and after the season ended i decid...