Munch Chunky issue 10


As you can see, I didn't finish coloring this issue.
this is the final issue of Munch Chunky for a while. 
I feel deep in my heart that I have to be in a specific state of mind to work on this comic. A happy state of mind, because this is a more upbeat series, a series about the positive power of friendship and adventure. Right now, I'm not in a happy place. I'm sad and more than a little depressed about where my life is right now. I'm getting older, I'm deep in debt from going to school to learn animation and I haven't been able to get a job in the animation industry. The industry itself makes me sad because... well... there's a lack of inclusiveness, a lack of true diversity and a lot of ageism and I'm no spring chicken. heh.
I didn't go to school straight out of high school. I've always enjoyed making comics but I can only tell certain stories while in certain moods. Even Goblyn has changed over the years, all based on how happy, sad or angry I was with my life to that point. These are all peeks into my inner psychology to be honest. How my mental health is doing. I try to address my feelings and my thoughts through story and at the same time entertain you. 
I don't always share every detail of my personal life, but at this point I'm not in the best place. I'm a bit lost if I can be honest with you. and I don't want it to affect this story.

I hope you'll find my stepping back from this series as me realizing that I can't keep trying to draw away the pain, sadness, depression, fear and anger. I can't and shouldn't and neither should you. I'll return to hopefully finish this tale when I'm feeling better about myself and my place in the world. and who knows, maybe this series will one day return in the form of an animated series. that's certainly where I tried to start it all that time ago.

Thank you for reading Munch Chunky.
Thank you for all the kind words and support.
thank you for being you.

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